Look at what I picked up off of Freecycle on Wednesday.
Over 100 hundred plastic pots. The ones in the front are one gallons stacked. They range in size from 10 gallons to 1 gallon. Why so many pots? I live in gopher land. I have not figured out a way to live in harmony together in my yard with these little creepy rodents. Numerous times I have been happily weeding my flower beds to hear a rustling in the plant next to me. At first I thought maybe I was such a loving gardener that my plants were shaking like my doggie does when I come home from the store and he is happy to see me. What a let down to discover that shortly after my plants do their happy dance they vanish into the earth below. When I am not around to witness such a cruel and unusual murderous kidnapping, the gophers leave one lonely flower sticking out of the ground as a payment for their meal or it may be a reminder that they have won. Nonetheless, this dirt worshiping fool still buys plants to feed her pet/pesty gophers. Well, this year is the end of the madness. I am too frugal and mindful of my plants feelings to partake in such activities a season longer. Come springtime, my victory will be the day I dig up my plants and put them back in the ground with a nice plastic barrier. Shhh do not speak of my plan of attack.
A litte side note, these are my chitlins. Kids are so cute. Kids are so loud.
Kids eat so much food. Kids are gross and full of germs.
They are so cute though!
I have not forgotten about my craft closet, see below. It is awaiting some new curtains and labels. More to come later....
I agree... kids are gross. But oh so cute! Great pics... wish I was close enough to take some of those pots off your hands. ;)
Do you have the book "roots, shoots buckets and boots"? Check it out... it has great ideas for container gardening!
I have been meaning to check out that book. Will have to add it to my ever-growing list!
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