Monday, March 29, 2010

More cards...

The kids are in bed and hubby is out of town.  Normally this would mean late nights of crafting and Farkle on facebook.  Tonight I am tired and made a goal to head to bed early.  I will be much happier in the morning and frankly I am always going to be behind in my scrapbooking.  I just ordered 283 pictures from the past five months to scrapbook.  Ummmm, yep I will always be behind.  So I leave you with a couple of photos of stuff I worked on last week.

My first triptych atc cards.  Not my best work but I have done worse. 

They open to reveal this...

Here's a couple of cards I sent to the swap hostesses as a thank you.  These little 2.5 and 3.5 inch cards are addicting and a perfect quick craft while the babe is busy eating her fingers for ten minutes.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

My first atc cards

Today I am mailing my first atc cards.  They were fun to do but what was more fun was finding out I won the Art Lottery with the swap group. :)

Here's my first set of cards.

Here's a couple of great cards I received as the art lottery winner.

Now I have to come up with a great way to display my cards.  Yep.  I am going to have fun trading these art cards.  Who doesn't love getting mail that isn't a bill???

Today is rainy and dreary.  My little sunshine is asleep on my bed right now.  I sit here eating a bowl of oatmeal with blueberries while drinking my cinnamon swirl coffee.  I was up laying in bed for a couple of hours last night.  I am tired.  I can't wait for my sunshine to wake up.  I love mornings like these.  Nowhere to go.  No one to please.  Just me and my sunshine.

Is the sun shining where you are?

Friday, March 5, 2010

Link time

I was going through my bookmarks so I could access them on laptop using Delicious.  When I came across one of many of my favorite blogs.  A year of Slow Cooking.  Totally forgot about and since I have a wee one and hubby's been out of town I am adding some of her recipes to the menu.  Then, I realized she has a book.  Another one to add to my long list of wanted books.  I love the internet.  A little too much.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Atc fun...

I am new to the world of ATC.  Don't know what they are?  In a nutshell, they are like baseball cards but cards that artists trade.   It makes me giggle to think of myself as an artist because I am really just an art dabbler.  You can  Google them for more info.  I have way too many good links bookmarked to share just one!  I started some for a local swap yesterday and can see the addictiveness of them already.  Not wanting to ruin the surprise so just sharing a little corner of the card I am working on. 

In fact, these words are a good representation of how I have been feeling lately with fussy butt baby.  Hehe.  Waiting for warm weather.  Okay.  We don't have warm weather here on the northern coast of Cali but we do drive to the warm weather to soak up some heat.  It's actually a glorious day here.  Nice enough to go on a walk and notice some lovely bulbs coming up.  Gardening, for me, will have to wait for another day.  I have much more important tasks on my agenda.  Like, finishing my tea and breathing while the babe is asleep for a little while.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Pressure Cookin' love

Check out the star of the show today....

My beloved pressure cooker I bought three years ago on Amazon.  The best $100 I have ever spent.  Last night I was not feeling well but took some chicken leg quarters out the day prior with intentions to barbecue.   That wasn't happening when 4:30 rolled around and I just wanted dinner over with, ya know.  I made some barbecue sauce with a little extra water, deskinned the chicken, and pressure cooked it for 10 minutes.  Then stuck them under the broiler to caramelize the sauce for a few minutes.  So chicken leg quarters cooked in 15 minutes once they got up to pressure (add an additional five minutes).  They were done before my flavored rice was done and almost as long as it took me nuke some green beans.  Seriously, life can't get better than that if you are *forced* by your ravenous family to make dinner and all.

Past ramblings....