Thursday, November 8, 2007

Dining room Paint

Here's a crappy picture of how it looked before. (minus the painters tape) I was trying to be thrifty several months ago and use up different cans of leftover paint in my garage. Well, it came out pretty for a sky in a child's room. So in an effort to keep my mind busy yesterday I decided to go and buy some paint so I could eat in a grown-up dining room.

And the after picture...

Never mind the reflection on the wall from my glass table. Peter still needs to attach moulding for me around the rectangles and add some chair railing. I plan on putting black n white photos inside the rectangles. Still not sure if I like the "sky" look so I might fill it in with a shade darker than the wall and go with traditional. Let me know what you think! I plan on painting the chairs black and putting the moulding back down as well. If you look closely you can catch a glimpse of a 1960's lamp. I call it a UFO lamp. I have some ideas brewin' in my head of how to revamp it. If you have any, feel free to spit 'em out at me.

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