When vacationing at our favorite house in our favorite place to vacation...Fort Bragg, CA (pure heaven) I grabbed some seeds from their nasturtiums that covered the whole backyard. Started them in pots by a sunny window about 3 weeks ago. I need to start hardening them off because they are growing like weeds. After we paint the fence sectioning off the garden, I am going to let these climb over it in a fashionable manner to soften the edges. Making sure to prune and catch all seeds to the yard doesn't get taken over!
K's preschool teacher gave me some breadseed poppy seeds. Started them the same time as the nasturtiums above. They are coming along nicely. The flowers will be pink. They get really big and leaves remind me of cabbage.
Here's a pic of all the seeds I am starting indoors...cosmos, basil, cilantro, cukes, zukes..that's it for now.
All of my lettuce is coming up, as well as carrots and radishes. The dirt we got had a lot of weed seeds in it so I am having a hard time deciphering what is what. I am weeding is the open spots that are waiting to be planted and leaving the rest alone until I get a good idea of what is what. Peter will be setting traps for me tonight. Woke up this morning and there are like 6-7 mounds of dirt in front yard. Of course two of the mounds are in some decorative rocks so I will have to sift through that dirt. Our neighbor across the street chased this gopher into our yard...think I will have bring over a pot of gopher soup as a nice gesture....kidding.
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